Sunday, August 20, 2017

 [Note: In order to keep up with the times and to keep my brain from getting rusty, I’m going to attempt to do a video the next time I post a blog. I would have done it this time, but Mercury is retrograde, and I respect that. Why ask for trouble?]

In the past I’ve usually done a composite of a new president’s chart with the USA Sibley chart. I overlooked doing it with Trump, but in view of the eclipse tomorrow which greatly affects all three of them….Trump’s, the USA’s and the composite, it is time to do that. Besides, every astrologer in the world is perusing Trump’s chart, but I don’t see much about the USA’s chart or the composite of the two of them. I’m going to attempt to post the charts here, but they may end up at the beginning or end of the post. Blogspot has a will of its own. (in fact, it is beyond me....if you're interested, I'll privately email you the charts. Blogspot changes its procedures almost monthly.)

Trump, of course, has this eclipse directly on his Ascendant/Mars conjunction. Eclipses set up at least a year’s worth of sensitivity to that point in the chart, but it manifests whenever anything triggers it…even tertiary and primary progressions and directions. The manifestation is neither “good” nor “bad” --- just sensitive. When it is in fixed signs, as this one is, it can be sensitive for a couple of years or more. In this case, that is especially true because there is a solar eclipse next February at 27 Aquarius…opposite this point which prolongs its effect, as well.

In addition, note that the USA’s Moon is located at 27:11 Aquarius. That is right on the degree of the above-mentioned eclipse in 2018, but it is affected by the eclipse tomorrow because of being in opposition. The Moon in a mundane chart represents the populace, and in the Sibley chart, it rules the eighth house. Personally, I think this relates to a very rapid rise in food prices because the immigrant farm workers were deported, and vast amounts of food are not being harvested—“rotting in the fields” as one person put it. Consider, too, the danger of more drastic cuts in public assistance that will contribute to hardship of the less fortunate of our population.

Long ago I learned (I believe it was via a Liz Greene book) that the leader a country elects is a reflection of the collective consciousness. Either Clinton OR Trump would have reflected it because they are both quite corrupt (in different ways), see the populace as easily led sheep and are both war mongers with huge ambition for power. When you compare the USA’s chart with Trump’s, it’s easy to see how much they “connect.” In particular, Trump’s Venus/Saturn conjunction aligns with the USA’s Mercury/Pluto opposition. That opposition is an indicator of the USA’s “power” issue, and Trump’s Venus/Saturn indicates his neediness to be “loved” because it was probably missing from his father. Venus rules his MC, and since that represents “authority” (father), and it squares his rising Mars, his father had to have been harsh with him…possibly violent at times.

It is interesting that the composite chart of Trump with the USA has an angular Mars, too, (conjunct the MC) and the Moon opposes it within less than a degree. In fact, there is only a seven minute orb. That polarizes the populace and can indicate a “knee-jerk” angry response to him. Furthermore the Sun trines Pluto. In a composite, that indicates a deep commitment between the two entities. However, the Sun also squares Neptune out-of-sign, which indicates deception of the one in power in this relationship. Sun rules the MC. In short, I think the country is being greatly deceived by this man. (I realize I’m biased, but I try mightily to just look at the charts.)

The eclipse is going to align with the composite Jupiter, which conjoins Saturn, albeit widely, (both of them straddle Trump’s natal chart ascendant.), which shows clearly the “love/hate” response from the country at large. I’m flummoxed about that and unsure whether or not he will be impeached.

[I’ll use these same charts on my video next month. Right now, I’m just setting up the drama.]

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Additional notes abut the lunar phase.

I will start making videos once in a while, but right now I’m working on how to do it. However, there is an important event happening in Trump’s chart that bears examining. First, his progressed Moon was conjunct progressed Saturn in Mid-July (depression) and is approaching a conjunction with natal and progressed Pluto in only six to eight months. That is an obsessive emotional state. In about eleven months, his solar arc Uranus will conjoin Mars, an accident indicator because it’s an impatient, enraged time when a person would not be careful—temper! In his chart it has to do with his marriage, and so I would expect his wife to be independent and unpredictable at that time. In a little less than four years, his solar arc Uranus conjoins the ascendant…a divorce aspect, and/or an unexpected “declaration of independence.” His attention is on his marriage even now since the solar arc Moon is about to oppose his Ascendant. That will be May 8, 2018. Don’t expect an event on that date necessarily…it often waits for a trigger, like a Mars transit, a tertiary progression, or a lunation (new or full Moon).

The event that I think is more important than all that is the end of his progressed solar/lunar cycle. That is close to three years away. Whether he is still president or not, it is the end of the Balsamic phase of his progressed Moon/Sun cycle. When a person is going through the Balsamic phase, things do not move quickly because the person should be doing an introspective of the previous seven phases of the cycle (each one is 3 and ½ years long). Things slow down, and nothing moves quickly in the Balsamic phase. Note how Trump can’t get anything done that he wants to do. There is so much going on in the USA chart, too, I will save it all for the video that I hope to make before the much-heralded eclipse.

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Progressed Phases

One of the most reliable timers in astrology is the progressed Moon to progressed Sun cycle. There are eight phases they go through over about a 28 year time. The last one, the Balsamic phase ENDS the cycle and is normally a time of reflection. Things do not move very quickly so that the owner of the chart has time to reflect. Normally, it is NOT a time of great success nor a pinnacle of one’s career. Especially if it occurs in the 12th house…also a place of reflection.

Each phase comprises 45 degrees and, since the progressed Moon moves at an average rate of one degree a month, each one lasts about 3½ years. The phases are: New, Crescent, First Quarter, Gibbous, Full, Disseminating, Third Quarter and Balsamic. When a person’s progressed Sun and Moon are in relationship to one of those phases, the person takes on the qualities of that phase and behaves slightly differently than they may have prior to that time. We go through the full cycle of these phases about three times in our lives if we live to about 84 (on average—for some it could be 90; for others it can be less than 84). And remember, you’re BORN somewhere within a phase, which is your lifetime orientation. Therefore, you can’t go by your age to determine where you are in those periods of time.

Donald Trump’s current phase is the last one—Balsamic. Not only that, but it’s taking place in the 12th house. Usually, the universe gives a person with that in effect, plenty of time to reflect. It is not a time for aggressiveness or for innovative high energy pursuits.  It is hard to say exactly what will happen to his presidency since there are so many “lucky” indicators in his chart right now….talk about “teflon!” 

However, we can see some possible turning points. The closest one is around 5 weeks from now. I mentioned it in a previous blog. The progressed Moon is about to conjoin the progressed MC which is holding a conjunction to progressed Saturn. Progressions wait for a “trigger” from something faster…like the progressed Moon, or transiting Sun or Mars, or a tertiary progression involving (always) the same ‘planets.’ (for convenience we designate the Sun and Moon as planets, too) He has also been under a great deal of financial pressure about his homes, career and his family… progressed Mercury (ruling second and tenth) is separating from conjoining his progressed Pluto (ruling fourth).  In about a year the progressed Moon conjoins that, too, which is another time he could resign or be impeached.

But, the big turning point is when the progressed Moon catches up with the progressed Sun and they start a new cycle—their “new” phase. That will be August/September of 2019. Whether he is president then or not, he WILL begin a new cycle. Let us hope by then he’ll have learned what the preceding Balsamic phase had to teach him.